C8051 MCU is designed and manufactured by Silican lab, an American company. C8051F MCU is a fully integrated mixing signal system. It is developed from MCS-51 MCU, and belongs to 51 serials. Its high speed CIP-51 core is compatible with 8051and MCS-51. There are integrated analog,digital peripheral and other functional parts commonly used in data acquisition and control system. There is build in flash programme memory, internal RAM, RAM located in external data memory space for most of the devices which is XRAM.C8051F owns on-chip debug circuit, .it can be adjusted by 4 feet and JTAG interface in a non invasive,full speed way.
Beijing techip can crack all C8051F MCU, for more information, please contact us : techip688@gmail.com
Part of the types of MCU we can crack:
C8051F000 C8051F001 C8051F002 C8051F005 C8051F006 C8051F007 C8051F010 C8051F011 C8051F012 C8051F015 C8051F016 C8051F017 C8051F018 C8051F019 C8051F020 C8051F021 C8051F022 C8051F023 C8051F040 C8051F041 C8051F042 C8051F043 C8051F044 C8051F045 C8051F046 C8051F047 C8051F060 C8051F061 C8051F062 C8051F063 C8051F064 C8051F065 C8051F067 C8051F206 C8051F220 C8051F221 C8051F226 C8051F230 C8051F231 C8051F236 C8051F310 C8051F311 C8051F312 C8051F313 C8051F314 C8051F315 C8051F320 C8051F321 C8051F330 C8051F331 C8051F320 C8051F340 C8051F350 C8051F360 C8051F410 C8051F01X
C8051F02X C8051F1XX C8051F2XX C8051F3XX C8051F4XX C8051F7XX C8051F9XX
C8051F02X C8051F1XX C8051F2XX C8051F3XX C8051F4XX C8051F7XX C8051F9XX